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THE PLAYLIST PROJECT, MEDIA 294: Academic Internship, 2016


To top off my Media Studies Concentration, for my Academic Internship I created THE PLAYLIST PROJECT. Housed under the St. Olaf College Music Entertainment Committee, this project supplemented a blog post which was sent out by a member of MEC every week. Although these blog posts gave each member of MEC the opportunity to share their musical tastes, inspirations and obsessions, I sensed there was a common aversion towards creating these weekly posts. This observation got me thinking:


 “Why is MEC solely writing about music when we could be sharing our musical tastes in a number of other, more engaging ways?”


Thus, THE PLAYLIST PROJECT was born. Tapping into the creativity within MEC, this project allows one member per week to freely curate a playlist and to share it with the St Olaf College community via a multitude of media outlets. Since its creation, THE PLAYLIST PROJECT has generated a newfound enthusiasm within the committee. MEC has also rediscovered an array of platforms, such as Instagram and Spotify, for MEC to connect with the St. Olaf College campus. Finally, THE PLAYLIST PROJECT has also inspired MEC to foster a greater connectivity with the campus residents. In the near future, I hope to expand THE PLAYLIST PROJECT to having 2 playlists drop each week: one curated by a member of MEC and one curated by the students of St. Olaf.


 To read, interact with, and listen to all existing PLAYLIST PROJECT blog posts, simply scroll down. There you will find an array of images that, when clicked, will direct you to the blog post and to its corresponding playlist!


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